

Bachelor of Arts with a major 在犯罪学
文理学院 (CAS)
School of Social and Behavioral 科学s


Assistant Academic Director, School of Social and Behavioral 科学s


The 犯罪学 program will provide a deeply contextualized understanding of crime, 法律, justice and punishment; facilitate the development of critical competencies including, 批判阅读, 写作, and analysis within the study of criminology; enable the focused study of how crime and the 法律 shape the worlds in which we live; and afford opportunities for experiential learning via student research and professional experiences.


犯罪学 focuses on the study of crimes, 罪犯, 犯罪受害者, theories explaining illegal and deviant behavior, the social reaction to crime and 罪犯, the effectiveness of anti-crime 政策 and the broader political terrain of social control. 犯罪学 programs are interdisciplinary, but ordinarily borrow much from sociology as well as other social sciences and humanities disciplines. 犯罪学 programs are thus grounded in the liberal arts, and provide a rigorous engagement with crime and the institutions that are created to contend with it. The professional profile of instructors in criminology is generally an academic background and a terminal degree in criminology or a related field.


CRL 205 – The Criminal Justice System3
PSC 125 – Understanding Law: An Introduction or PSC 210 -宪法3
SOC 170 -越轨和犯罪3
SOC 268 – Practice of Social 科学 研究3
SOC 270 – Classical Social Theory or SOC 280 – Contemporary Social Theory3
SOC 300 -社会学实习 or PSY 300 -心理学实习3–15
SOC 311 – Theories of Race and Racism3
SOC 345 – Crime, Media, and Culture3
SOC 370 – Applied Field Method in Sociology3
SOC 494 - Cap Exp:论文3–16
Four (4) Program Specific Electives12
Open Elective Courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)变量
Program Specific Elective Options学分
ant312 -人口贩卖3
HIS 266 – 历史 of Drugs in the Americas3
PSC 241 – Human Rights in World Politics3
psc278 -政治科学与人类贸易II3
PSC 330 – Theories of Politics and War3
PSY 205 -变态心理学3
PSY 236 -心理健康 & 社会3
PSY 370 – Drugs, 社会, and Behavior3
SOC 333 -法律社会学3
SOC 350 -偏差3
SOC 421 -公正的社会?3


At the completion of the Bachelor of Arts with a major 在犯罪学 program students will be able to:

  • Distinguish the differing agencies associated with the social control of criminal, 监管, 违反国际法.
  • Summarize and differentiate the major theories of crime and 定罪.
  • 识别, 理论上和经验上, structural inequalities and their relation to crime and social control.
  • 使用犯罪学方法, 或者调查技巧, 评估犯罪模式, 定罪, 和受害.


看到 Coursework at Another Institution in the 学术政策及规例 本目录部分.


看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.


Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the 财务信息 本目录部分.

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This catalog outlines the academic programs, 度标准, 政策, and events of the University of New England for the 2024–2025 academic year and serves as the official guide for academic and program requirements for students enrolling at the University during the Summer of 2024, 2024年秋季, 和2025年春季学期.

The information provided is accurate as of its publication date on April 26, 2024.
The University of New England reserves the right to modify its programs, 日历, or academic schedule as deemed necessary or beneficial. This includes alterations to course content, 类重新安排, 取消, or any other academic adjustments. Changes will be communicated as promptly as possible.

While students may receive guidance from academic advisors or program directors, they remain responsible for fulfilling the requirements outlined in the catalog relevant to their enrollment year and for staying informed about any updates to 政策, 规定, 或需求.