
我们不断改进我们的产品和服务,以提供清洁的环境, 健康的, 自适应, 乐于助人的, and functional work environment for students, 教师, 专业人员.


设施管理团队致力于利用创新的领导和卓越的技术和技术,在所有责任领域提供卓越的服务. 我们营造一种氛围,允许创新,综合的学习经验.


Work orders are processed through SchoolDude software. UNE's account number is 7881765.

How to Submit a Work Order for the First Time

  1. SchoolDude登入网页
  2. 点击“从未提交过校友请求”旁边的向下的胡萝卜? 注册”
  3. 请填写表格
    • Note: Use your UNE Okta password
  4. 点击注册
  5. 转到维护请求选项卡
  6. 填写所有必要的字段(标记为红色复选标记的字段是必需的)
  7. 检查你的信息, 包括完成日期(有时系统会自动错误地填充此字段)
  8. At Step 7, use "password" for the Submittal Password
  9. 单击submit
  10. You will receive an email that your work order has been submitted

How to Submit a Work Order if You Already Have an Account

  1. SchoolDude登入网页 然后登录
  2. 遵循上面的步骤5-10



主要申请表格(PDF) must be completed before submitting a work order. 请求的日期, 这个名字, 部门, and position of the individual requesting a key must be filled out. 在提供的空间中提供与要求相对应的房间号,并在右上角的相应框中勾选新钥匙或丢失的钥匙更换. 密钥请求必须得到请求者的主管或其指定人员的授权. If this request is for a key outside of the requester's 部门, 请求者必须联系被授权为该部门颁发密钥的人员. Lastly, the completed key request may be sent to facilities@tmgx.net or uploaded to the work order before submitting.


从2023年12月1日开始,车辆预订将通过Ad Astra进行.


为了预定和驾驶UNE车队车辆,驾驶员必须获得UNE车队车辆认证. 教师, 专业人员, 19岁及以上的学生,只要持有驾照满两年,就可以获得部门批准的证书. Please allow for a minimum of two weeks 获得认证. 当前的驾驶执照副本和已完成的文件将保留存档. A motor vehicle report (MVR) will be run and checked periodically. 如果你想获得10辆客车的认证,还有一个额外的在线课程和道路测试. 有部门主管的邮箱吗 facilities@tmgx.net 获得认证.

How to View Available Vehicles

You can view how many and which vehicles are available using Ad Astra.

  1. 登录Ad Astra(联系人 rooms@tmgx.net to be added to the Ad Astra user list).
  2. 点击日历.
  3. 点击调度网格.
  4. 在中上方的“选择日历”区域,点击下拉箭头选择校园.
  5. 在蓝色的日期盒里, 点击感兴趣的日期(使用下拉箭头确保选择正确的月份), 一年, 和一天).
  6. 在左上方,点击图像的放大镜(搜索),滤镜将显示出来.
  7. 在位置过滤器列表下, 点击大楼旁边的加号,选择你所寻找的校园的设施车辆, 然后点击完成.
  8. 在事件过滤器下, 点击“事件状态”旁边的加号,取消选中“计划中”(已批准的车辆)和“等待中”(等待更多信息的车辆), 然后点击完成.
  9. 点击蓝色搜索框,这将显示您是否有任何车辆预订. 高尔夫球车也会出现. If you only want to search for Golf carts, 在位置过滤器下, using the Room options you can select the golf carts of interest.
  10. To see the times that the vehicle is loaned out for, use the scroll bar below and scroll to the right.

Alternative way to view the calendar of available vehicles

  1. 点击日历, then Calendar.
  2. 单击Calendar搜索字段,并使用上面步骤7和8中的过滤器, then click the blue search box.
  3. 点击搜索. You can view by list, day, week, or month.


  • 登录Ad Astra(联系人 rooms@tmgx.net to be added to the Ad Astra user list).
  • 点击事件.
  • 点击请求事件, 这将引导您选择所需的事件请求表单.
  • Click on the drop down arrow and select Facilities Vehicles Request Form.
  • 单击Next.
  • 阅读表单信息,然后向下滚动并输入所请求的信息, required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)
    • 活动类型:大多数情况下,您将选择部门旅行或体育郊游,但这可能会根据您的需要而有所不同.
    • Gas Pin: The Gas PIN is four digits, and drivers must know their PIN. 如果你不知道,请发邮件 facilities@tmgx.net 请求它.
  • After all fields are entered select Add Meeting.


始终首先选择会议重复出现的类型—单个、多个或重复出现. Then change the start and end time. 然后选择你的日期.


The default meeting option when creating meetings is Single Meeting(s). 使用这个选项, 您可以输入一个时间, browse dates on the calendars, and quickly select a meeting/trip date.

会议名称将从您从上一个屏幕中选择的目的地填充,并且可以由查看日历的任何人查看. Be sure to write an appropriate and descriptive destination. After you have entered your info, 单击“添加会议”, then click on Request Rooms to assign spaces/vehicles.


使用此选项,您可以创建多个日期来创建会议“组”。. Meeting groups are displayed as individual dates within the group. This is used when there is not a clear recurring pattern. The dates will turn dark blue when selected. 当创建多个会议日期为一个组时,系统会提示您输入组名. 输入组名,然后单击ok,然后添加会议,然后请求房间分配空间/车辆.


“循环”选项允许您定义一个模式来创建一系列循环的会议. A recurring meeting will appear as a list of meeting/trip dates. Dates can be removed by clicking the red X if not needed.

Work your way down this box starting with the Start and End times. Pay special attention to the Day Pattern for your trip (daily trips, 每周, 每两周一次, 每周二和周四, the first and third Wednesday of every week, 等.) Select the pattern first (Daily, 每周, 每月或每年),然后填写特定于每种模式的信息. 请记住填写“日期范围开始和结束”,或选择事件完成前发生的次数. Click the Add Meeting, then Request Rooms to assign spaces/vehicles


Once you have click on Assign Room, you’ll see the vehicle options. There are cars, mini-vans, vans and golf carts listed.

  • 将鼠标悬停在左边的靶心圈上,可以看到每辆车的描述, it will show a picture of the vehicle and maximum number of passengers
  • 您可以通过单击您希望使用的车辆行上的“可用”来选择可用的车辆
  • The selected will appear in green
  • 单击OK
  • You will now be back at your reservation, click Submit


Completing the request form form does not guarantee your reservation. 您将收到一封电子邮件,说明您的请求已收到(如果您没有收到确认收到的电子邮件), your request did not go through properly). 如果您的会议/旅行已被批准,您将收到房间请求确认. Reservations will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. 如果您的预订信息不完全正确,或者设施部对您的预订有疑问, 它将进入待定状态,这意味着在我们得到更多信息之前,您的预订将被保留. 如果预订被标记为暂定,其他人仍然可以预订该日期/时间/车辆.

Canceling or Changing Your Reservation

如果您需要取消车辆预订,请考虑并通过电子邮件facilities@une取消预订.edu as you know that you no longer need the vehicle. 如果您在预订前一小时或更短时间内没有出现或取消预订,您将被收取费用.

Changes to existing reservations can also be made by emailing facilities@tmgx.net. When you make changes, be as specific as possible. Example: I have a van #135 reservation on February 4, 2024 from 3–6 p.m. and need to change it to February 4, 2024 from 1–3 p.m. Do not just say I need to move it two hours earlier.

Download the how to reserve a vehicle instructions (PDF)


安德鲁·戈德堡Director of 设施管理agoldberg6@tmgx.net2367
凯伦NadeauAdministrative Assistant, PCfacilities@tmgx.net4392