
我如何申请? What are the application deadlines?

通过美国骨科医学学院协会(AACOM)申请服务(AACOMAS)在www上进行主要/中心申请 The AACOMAS deadline is February 1. Candidates are encouraged to apply early.

What are the GPA and MCAT requirements?
What letters of recommendation are required?

UNE COM requires a minimum of three letters of recommendation. 从这些信件中, 我们需要申请者的整体描述,包括作为学生的参与信息(特别是在学术环境中的团队合作)。, 人际关系技巧, 字符, 和职业精神. 推荐的来源包括:

  • 健康前委员会信函
  • 健康前顾问信
  • Faculty members with substantial knowledge of the applicant
  • Direct supervisor with substantial knowledge of the applicant
  • 对申请人有充分了解的医疗保健专业人员,最好是医生
  • A letter from an Osteopathic Physician (D.O.) is recommended but not required. 


我可以转学分吗?? Can I transfer academic years from another medical school?

你必须在另一所学校或学院就读,才有资格转入第三年的骨科医学学习. 学生必须在新网校完成最后两年的学习才能毕业. 请与研究生招生和招聘办公室联系 for more 信息 about transferring into UNE COM.

What are the prerequisite requirements?

COM招生网页 for prerequisite requirements.

Do you accept students from outside of Maine? Do you accept students from outside New England?

是的,是的. 作为一所私立机构,缅因州和/或新英格兰地区的学生没有目标/配额. 为2027届毕业生准备的, about 50% of students are from New England. Other states represented include Arizona, 加州, 爱达荷州, 明尼苏达州, 俄亥俄州, 俄勒冈州, 南达科塔州, 犹他州, 威斯康辛州, 等.

Do you accept international students?

作为一所私立学校,我们对接受美国以外的学生没有限制.S. If higher education is completed in the U.S., there are no extra application steps. If any of the higher education credit is completed outside of the U.S., 在完成AACOMAS申请之前,申请人需要由世界教育服务(WES)评估他们的课程. 国际学生的评估标准与所有申请者相同. 对于国际学生来说,唯一的区别是在接受的时候:国际学生最初被提供有条件的接受,等待所有四年的足够资金的文件(因为他们没有资格获得美国奖学金).S. 联邦贷款计划).

班级人数是多少? 什么是性别分裂? 平均年龄是多少? 多样性呢??

We are accredited for 165 students per class year. 为2027届毕业生准备的, 平均年龄(申请时)为26岁,年龄范围为21-46岁. The Class of 2027 is 65% female and 35% male.

How do UNE COM students do on the boards?

complex Level 1通常在第二年完成后进行,Level 2(认知考试)通常在第三年末/第四年初进行. 新京网学生参加2021-22年度complex一级考试的通过率为98分.2%. The National pass rate was 93.7%. 参加2021-22年度complex 2-CE考试的新东网学生的通过率为98分.9%. 全国平均水平为95分.6%. Since the indefinite suspension of the COMLEX Level 2PE in 2020, UNE COM进行了为期半天的欧安组织活动,以证明每个学生的临床表现考试.

See additional 信息 about COMLEX-USA match results

Where do students do their third and fourth-year rotations?

第三年的轮岗在东北地区的临床中心和私人诊所. 学生通过临床核心地点分配过程(C-CAP)选择他们第三年的地点。. Clinical Core Sites are spread throughout Maine, 麻萨诸塞州, 新汉普郡, 新泽西, 纽约, 和罗德岛州. 每个学生将完成以下轮转:内科(12周), 家庭医学, 妇产科, 儿科, 精神病学, 手术(各6周), and mommunity health (4 weeks). 学生 will also have a two-week elective during their third year. 作为一个额外的选择,三年级学生可以申请纵向综合见习. 纵向综合见习(LIC)是组织第三年临床经验的另一种方式. Rather than rotating through six-week blocks, 低收入国家学生将在农村初级保健诊所实习一年. 他们与导师建立了更深的关系,并建立了自己的病人小组. 学生 follow their patients into specialist care; they also participate in one-week rotations in specialist areas throughout the year.

四年级的选修课(16周)和选修课(18周)可以在美国各地完成.S.在国外,在学生选择的医院和/或诊所. Selectives include four weeks of internal medicine sub-specialty, four weeks of surgery sub-specialty, four weeks of emergency medicine, four weeks of osteopathic manipulative medicine. Selective rotations must be completed inside the United States. 所有选修/选择性地点必须事先得到临床教育办公室的批准.

View additional 信息 about UNE COM’s 书记的职位 Education

How do UNE COM students do in the match? Where do UNE COM graduates go for residency?

新东网学生在比赛中一直表现优异. 获取更具体的数据 see a full list of residency placements.

Does COM offer a concurrent M.P.H. 学位?

是的, UNE提供灵活的在线公共卫生硕士学位,允许您按照自己的节奏前进. For more 信息, visit the Graduate Programs in Public 健康.

Is there on-campus housing available? 学生住在哪里??

整骨疗法医学院的学生没有校内住宿. Most students live in the surrounding cities of Biddeford, 中美合作所, 或老果园海滩, with less than a 12–15 minute drive to campus. There are students who choose to live in Portland or South Portland, and rent is typically higher in these areas. 学生 can commute from NH or MA, 但这些学生通常需要至少一个小时的车程. 因为校内课程从7月到5月初,所以建议租12个月.

Additional off-campus housing resources can be found below:

How much are tuition and fees?

To read more about our tuition and fees visit our 出勤费用 信息.

How can I talk with a current student?

未来的学生和申请人可以要求与在读学生联系. Requests can be made by contacting the recruitment team at or (207) 602-2430.

Can I be connected with an alumnus?

Currently, the COM Office of Recruiting, Student & 校友服务正在建立一个系统,将未来的学生和申请人与校友联系起来. Prospective students can go to the 农产品协定的网站 选择“查找DO”并按地理位置、专业甚至校友身份搜索DO.

How can I arrange a campus visit?

未来的学生和申请者可以在我们的网站上报名参加校园参观 访问COM页面 或要求个人访问. 电子邮件招聘,学生和校友服务办公室 如果您无法在指定日期访问校园,请安排校园访问. 访问日期和时间是基于现有的学生和专业人员的可用性. 未预约访客不一定有机会与工作人员见面和/或参观, so it is recommended to schedule a time to visit campus. Weekend visits are not offered.